Happy birthday to PIE

It kind of snuck up on me, but I actually managed to remember that today is the one-year anniversary of CSS3 PIE’s first public beta release. It’s been quite an exciting year since I unleashed this little thing out into the world!

In pure nerd style, here are some stats from the past year:

  • 2.3 million page views from 452,000 unique visitors at css3pie.com
  • 2700 posts by 760 users in 690 topics in the user forums
  • 1056 followers on GitHub
  • 1979 followers on Twitter (closing in on 2000, who will it be?)
  • 156 commits to the master code branch with many more in other branches

What can’t be put into numbers, of course, is the overwhelmingly positive reaction from users around the world. It’s really been an awesome experience hearing words of enthusiastic support from hundreds of web developers whose lives are a little bit easier with PIE in their toolbox.

Further development is continuing steadily with help from some ambitious community members; stay tuned for a beta5 release coming in the next couple of weeks. Year two is going to be great!

4 Responses

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  1. Christian Krammer

    Great news! You really earn all the positive responses Jason. CSS3 PIE really is a great script.

    July 12, 2011 6:54 pm

  2. Zoltan Hawryluk

    Congrats and Happy Birthday! Kudos to you my friend!

    July 21, 2011 3:51 am

  3. Djordje Stanic

    This is a great project. I use it regularly. Funcktions from PIE I put in a Creative Designer Template.

    This is a program that is still in development but it will soon be finished. This will be a big help for web designers who create templates for Joomla and WordPress themes.
    Of course, withou PIE, it would be very complicated that all that stuff works in IE.
    Let next year be even better.

    July 25, 2011 3:44 pm

  4. Wesley Dancer

    Happy birthday… What more can I say but keep up the good work … kudos!

    January 11, 2012 10:26 am