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    Best SEO Tools

    Using the best SEO tools has become crucial for organisations that are planning to thrive in the ever-changing digital landscape.

    SEO tools, like those provided by an SEO Company in Mumbai, fuel the improvement of a company’s online presence and search engine results.

    SEO tools allow users to create creative and effective SEO strategies and track, and optimise them.

    There are a number of tools that can be used in a range of situations, each helping your business in its own unique way.

    Let’s navigate through these top SEO tools, to help you improve your website’s visibility and traffic.

    What Are the Types of SEO Tools?

    Online SEO tools come in various forms to assist with different aspects of search engine optimisation.

    The following are the main types:

    Keyword Research Tools

    These tools help you identify relevant keywords for your content by analysing search volume, competition, and ranking potential. Examples include Ahrefs and Ubersuggest.

    On-Page Optimization Tools

    On-page SEO tools give you recommendations for optimising individual web pages, including content, meta tags, headings, and more. Popular choices include Yoast SEO and Moz On-Page Grader.

    Backlink Analysis Tools

    Backlink analysis tools help in monitoring and assessing the quality of your website’s backlinks. At the same time, it also identifies link-building opportunities. Ahrefs, Majestic, and Moz Link Explorer are well-known options.

    Rank Tracking Tools

    It monitors your website’s search engine rankings for specific keywords over time, helping you assess your SEO efforts. SEMrush, Ahrefs, and SERPWatcher are popular choices.

    Technical SEO Tools

    These tools focus on improving technical aspects like site speed, mobile-friendliness, and crawlability to enhance search engine visibility. Examples include Google PageSpeed Insights and Screaming Frog SEO Spider.

    Local SEO Tools

    Local SEO tools optimise your online presence for local search results, including managing business listings and monitoring reviews. Google My Business, Moz Local, and BrightLocal are frequently used.

    Competitor Analysis Tools

    These tools help you study the SEO strategies of your rivals, including their keywords, backlinks, and content tactics. SEMrush and SpyFu are valuable in this regard.

    Content Optimization Tools

    Content optimisation tools assist in enhancing content relevance as well as quality for both users and search engines. SurferSEO and Clearscope are examples.

    Site Auditing Tools

    SEO audit tools provide detailed website audit reports, identifying SEO issues and suggesting improvements. Ahrefs and SEOptimer are commonly used for this purpose.

    Analytics and Reporting Tools

    Analytics tools, for example, Google Analytics, help you track your website performance and user behaviour, while reporting tools assist in creating SEO performance reports for stakeholders. Google Data Studio is widely employed for reporting.

    Link Building Tools

    Link-building tools help find opportunities, manage outreach campaigns, and track link-building progress. BuzzStream and Pitchbox are popular choices.

    Schema Markup Tools

    These tools help create structured data markup to enhance how search engines comprehend and display your content in search results. Google’s Structured Data Markup Helper is one example.

    Social Media Monitoring Tools

    Some tools focus on optimising social media profiles and content for search engines. SocialBee and Social SEO Pro can assist in this regard.

    Each of these tool categories serves a specific purpose within the broader field of SEO, enabling experts to tackle different aspects of optimisation effectively.

    What Factors Should You Consider When Choosing an SEO Tool?

    • Features and Functionality

    You need to assess whether the top free SEO tools offer the specific features you need, such as keyword research, backlink analysis, on-page optimisation, or technical SEO capabilities.

    • Ease of Use

    The tool’s user interface should be easy to use. A tool that is intuitive and user-friendly is easy to navigate through, and can save time and frustration.

    • Accuracy and Data Quality

    Ensure that the tool provides up-to-date and accurate data. Inaccurate information can lead to poor decision-making.

    • Pricing and Budget

    Consider your budget and how the tool’s pricing structure aligns with your finances. Some tools offer free or trial versions with limited features.

    • Scalability

    Scalability is crucial for long-term use. You need to determine if the tool can accommodate your needs as your website and SEO efforts grow.

    • Integration

    Find out whether the tool can integrate with other software or platforms you use, such as content management systems (CMS) or analytics tools.

    • Customer Support

    Look at the quality along with the accessibility of customer support. When you run into problems or have inquiries, responsive support personnel can be really helpful.

    • Training and Resources

    Look for tools that provide tutorials, documentation, or training resources to help you make the most of their features.

    • Performance and Speed

    Consider the tool’s speed and performance, especially if you need to process large amounts of data or run extensive analyses.

    • Customisation

    Some SEO tools allow customisation to suit your specific needs and reporting preferences. Evaluate the level of customisation available.

    • Reporting and Insights

    Examine the tool’s reporting capabilities. Robust reporting features can help you track progress and demonstrate ROI.

    • Data Security

    Ensure that the tool complies with data security standards and safeguards your sensitive information.

    • Reviews and Recommendations

    Read reviews and seek recommendations from other SEO experts who have experience with the tool. Peer feedback can be valuable.

    • Updates and Maintenance

    Check if the tool is regularly updated. It will help you keep up with the transitions in search engine algorithms as well as SEO best practices.

    • Trial Period

    If available, take advantage of a trial period to test the tool and assess its suitability for your needs before committing to a subscription.

    Remember that the choice of free SEO tools for website should align with your specific goals and the nature of your SEO projects. No single tool is perfect for everyone, so it’s essential to prioritise features and capabilities that directly support your SEO objectives.

    You’ve Finally Found the Right SEO Agency!

    Capsicum has the SEO solutions you’ve been searching for. Don’t let another day go by where your competitors are looking down on you! It’s time to be discovered!

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    Maximise Your Digital Impact: Top SEO Tools for 2024

    To maximise your digital impact in 2024, you will need an SEO tools list. We have compiled a thorough list of top SEO tools for you:

    Google Analytics 4

    google analytics 4 (ga4)

    Google Analytics 4 (GA4) is the latest edition of Google’s popular online analytics platform, and it has a wide range of functions. It is made to give you more in-depth and expert insights about how you utilise websites and apps.

    Further Reading:

    Google Search Console

    google search console

    It is a free web service presented by Google that assists website owners, webmasters, and SEO specialists in managing and monitoring their website’s presence in Google search results.

    Further Reading:


    “KWFinder” stands for “Keyword Finder,” and it is a tool created to assist users in finding useful keywords for their content and SEO tactics. It finds keywords with a high usage rate in search engine optimisation (SEO) and digital marketing.


    PageSpeed Insights

    PageSpeed Insights is a web performance analysis tool built by Google that evaluates the speed and performance of web pages and provides optimisation recommendations. In order to enhance the user experience and loading performance of websites, PageSpeed Insights is generally utilised by developers, designers, and SEO specialists. It is one of the best free SEO tools online.

    Opportunities in PageSpeed Insights

    SEO in PageSpeed Insights



    GTmetrix, like Google Page Speed, is a prominent web performance monitoring and optimisation tool that assists website owners, developers, and SEO specialists in analysing the speed and performance of web pages. A website’s loading time and user experience are improved by its observations and suggestions. GTmetrix is frequently employed to enhance website speed and guarantee higher search engine ranks.



    Ahrefs is one of the leading SEO platforms in the industry. It offers a wide range of premium SEO tools, including site explorer, keywords explorer, site audit, rank tracker, and content explorer. Ahrefs also provides a range of free SEO tools such as Keyword generator, keyword difficulty checker, youtube keyword tool, amazon keyword tool, bing keyword tool, SERP checker, keyword rank checker, backlink checker, broken link checker, and website authority checker.



    SEMrush is a well-known SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) and digital marketing platform that provides several tools and features to assist companies and marketers in increasing their online exposure, analysing competition, and optimising their online strategy. It is one of the best free SEO tools available online.

    It also offers additional tools such as:



    Similar to SemRush and Ahrefs, Moz is another pro at offering premium SEO Services, including free and paid resources. The paid version, Mozpro, comes with comprehensive features such as keyword research, link building, page optimization, reporting, site audits, and rank tracking. Moz also offers free SEO tools. However, they are limited in capacity when compared to the premium tools. The free tools include Competitive research, link explorer, keyword explorer, domain analysis, Moz bar, and more.

    While these tools definitely come in handy, it is difficult to understand how to make them work. At times like these, you’ll require expert guidance, which is where we come in, our professional link building services in Mumbai, can handle all your link building needs, including using complicated tools like Moz.



    Created by one of the SEO’s brilliant minds, Neil Patel, Ubersuggest is a freemium Keyword research tool. It is included in the collection of tools offered by Neil Patel. Other tools include a backlink checker, SEO analyzer, and Website traffic checker. The collection of tools also includes AI-powered content tools such as AI rewriting tool, AI sentence rewriter, and AI paragraph rewriter.

    GrowthBar SEO

    GrowthBar SEO

    Powered by AI, Growthbar SEO, a premium SEO Tool, is a great content and keyword tool. With the help of Growthbar, users can easily generate blog outlines, meta descriptions, blog posts, and more. Moreover, it also offers an excellent keyword research tool focused on getting billions of keyword suggestions, which can be tracked with an effective keyword tracker. Additionally, users can also easily analyze a competitor’s website.


    Also Asked is an SEO tool that gathers, organizes, and showcases the “People also ask” data for the requested keyword. For example, when we enter the query “window cleaner” into AlsoAsked Keyword research, it generates the following questionnaire.


    It means people searching for window cleaner may also ask these questions or search for these queries. Although it may be a powerful keyword research tool, it can also help generate content ideas and help form content outlines.



    Similar to AlsoAsked, Question DB is a free keyword research tool and content idea generator. Upon entering keywords and hitting the search button, the tool generates a list of user questions that SEOs and Content creators can use to write useful and authoritative content.

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    Reach out to us to discuss how we can help you achieve your goals.


      Search is a collection of free online SEO tools that give users access to data such as “People Also Ask”, “People Also Search For”, and “Related Searches”. This helps writers and SEO develop in-depth and valuable content that ranks high on search engines.


      Short Pixel

      ShortPixel is an image optimisation and compression application that has been developed to assist website owners and developers in improving website performance by lowering picture file sizes without sacrificing quality.

      Bulk Google Rank Checker

      A “Bulk Google Rank Checker” is a program or software that allows you to verify the search engine ranking positions of various keywords or webpages in Google’s search results in a batch or bulk way. Instead of manually entering each phrase or URL into Google and verifying their rankings one by one, a bulk rank checker automates the process, saving time and enabling efficient rank tracking.

      Keywords Everywhere

      Available for Chrome and Firefox, Keyword Everywhere is a premium Browser extension or add-on that gives users access to SEO metrics such as search volume, Cost per click, and competitor data.

      An alternative to Google’s Keyword Planner, Keyword Tool integrates Google’s Autocomplete to help users find great keyword and content ideas.



      Long Tail Pro is one of the underrated premium SEO tools that help brands discover low-competition and high-converting keywords. LongTail Pro’s list of features includes keyword research, SERP analysis, Rank tracker, Backlink Analysis, and Site Audit.


      JustReachOut offers business and digital marketers an organized platform they can use to build authoritative backlinks, increasing brand exposure. A premium link-building tool, JustReachOut offers a time-saving alternative to the lengthy outreach process.


      Pitchbox is an outreach and Content Marketing platform for Digital Marketers, including SEO agencies and experts. The premium platform leverages keywords to help them find influencers, bloggers, and publishers.


      Hunter is an outreach platform that helps businesses find relevant professional email addresses within seconds. While the free version of the tool is limited, the premium version offers at least 500 monthly searches with 1000 monthly verifications.

      Contact Out

      ContactOut is a prospecting tool with instant access to 300M professionals from 30M companies. It offers verified contact details that help businesses, professionals, and SEO experts find the most accurate email and phone numbers.



      A free browser plugin, SEOQuake, is an SEO analysis tool that lets its users conduct swift on-page SEO audits, examine internal and external links, and compare multiple domains, and URLs.

      Rank Math

      Rank Math

      One of the leading and premium WordPress SEO plugins, Rank Math, allows users to run in-depth SEO analysis, measure and track keyword ranking, share Google Index status data, and generate advanced schema. In addition, it also uses AI to quickly generate unique content.



      The leading WordPress SEO Plugin, Yoast , lets WordPress users create SEO-friendly content, set up a good site structure, avoid 404 error or dead links, automatically updates structure data, and offers integration of powerful SEO tools such as SEMRush.

      Meta SEO Inspector Chrome Extension

      Meta SEO Inspector Chrome Extension is a Google Chrome extension that lets users view metadata on web pages. It also helps them find and fix any issues occurring with the on-page SEO data, including schema markup, headers, external links, and more.

      Bing Webmaster Tools

      Bing, the world’s second leading search engine, also has its version of Google Search Console, the Bing Webmaster tools. Bing has a great keyword research tool that helps users optimize their website for the search engine, Bing.


      Copyscape, an authoritative plagiarism and duplicate content checker, is a must-have tool for copywriters, editors, and publishers. It helps them weed out duplicate content which would otherwise harm your website’s reputation and ranks on the SEO.

      Screaming Frog SEO Spider

      Screaming Frog SEO Spider

      With this tool, users can improve their onsite SEO. It runs a website audit, the spider crawls the website, extracts data, finding common SEO issues such as broken links, and crawl errors. Staying informed about these issues helps users stay ahead of them. It offers both free and premium versions.

      Answer The Public

      Answer The Public

      “Answer The Public” is a keyword research and content ideation tool that helps marketers and content creators understand what questions and topics are popular among online users. It generates visual representations of search queries and related terms.



      Mailshake is a platform for sales engagement and email outreach that has been developed to help companies and sales representatives organise their email marketing and outreach initiatives. Users may develop, automate, and manage email campaigns using a variety of features and tools, including those for relationship-building, lead generation, and sales prospecting.


      Heatmap is one of the most popular free SEO tools, a type of data visualisation approach in which colours are used to depict the values of a two-dimensional dataset. Heatmaps are often used to visualise patterns and trends in data, making complex information more accessible and understood. For example, it can tell you which parts of your website are being visited the most. Also, it tracks the user’s movement through the sites as well.

      Advanced Web Ranking

      A highly reliable website ranking tool, Advanced web ranking features include uunlimited ranking potential covering local and mobile rankings. Additionally, it also offers features such as in-depth custom SEO reports and competitor research and analysis.



      Seobility is a software program and online tool for SEO to help online business owners and digital marketers raise the performance of their websites in search engine results. It gives a variety of tools and capabilities for website analysis and optimisation for increased search visibility.



      OpenAI developed ChatGPT, a cutting-edge language model. It is powered by GPT-3.5 architecture and was designed to analyse and generate human-like writing based on input. ChatGPT can hold natural language conversations, answer questions, explain things, generate content, and do a variety of other text-based tasks.

      However, it is to be noted that ChatGPT is still in its early stage of development and has a lot of issues regarding the quality and facts of the content it offers. It also does not offer content suitable for SEO. SEO professionals should only use ChatGPT-generated content as a reference and fact-check before using it.

      Merkle’s Schema Markup Generator

      Merkle’s Schema Markup Generator

      A “Schema Markup Generator” is a tool or software that assists users in generating the correct Schema Markup code for their web content. Users often input information about their content, such as product details, reviews, events, or business information. It generates the matching Schema Markup in a format that can be appended to the HTML of the webpage.

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      Additional Search Engine Optimization Tools


      There are two ways to go about doing SEO for your website. You can either do it yourself or hire a professional. If you are considering putting in the effort and learning SEO, you can find free SEO tools list on the internet. Our SEO Checklist is one such resource.

      On the other hand, you can let the professional handle your worries without adding to your burden. Our SEO Agency in Mumbai was created to solve the plight of individuals and businesses such as yours. Don’t hesitate to reach out to us! We would be happy to help!

      Blog Author
      Nirav Dave

      Nirav Dave is the Co-Founder & Partner at Capsicum Mediaworks, an SEO Agency based out of India that specializes in all things Web Design & WordPress Development. He Worships WordPress and Loves to read anything and everything about this exceptional CMS.

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