How to make games in Infinite Craft
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Five games to make in Infinite Craft

You can honestly make everything

While playing Infinite Craft, you have the opportunity to make almost anything you can imagine. As gamers, it’s only natural to wonder whether we can make some of our favorite games, and let me assure you that it’s absolutely possible. 

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I’ve spent a few hours fiddling around, adding things together to try and get some favorable end results and here are five games that I’ve managed to come up with, including some bonus ones.

How to make Stardew Valley in Infinite Craft

How to make Stardew Valley in Infinite Craft
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This is absolutely the easiest recipe to complete on this list, and through it you end up with one just Stardew Valley, but also three other pixel-based games of note as a bonus.

Earth + Earth = Dust

Dust + Dust = Sand

Fire + Water = Steam

Steam + Fire = Engine

Engine + Sand = Sandbox

Dust + Earth = Planet

Planet + Sandbox = Minecraft

Minecraft + Sandbox = Terraria

Minecraft + Terraria = Starbound

Once you’ve made Starbound and Terraria, you just need to add them together and you’ll end up with Stardew Valley.

How to make Final Fantasy XIV in Infinite Craft

How to make Final Fantasy XIV in Infinite Craft
Screenshot by Destructoid

To make Final Fantasy XIV in Infinite Craft, you have to make three of the Primals from the franchise and Euro, which is rather bizarrely reached by way of the Spanish Inquisition. Truly, I did not expect that.

Final FantasyEuro
Fire + Fire = Volcano
Water + Water = Lake
Lake + Volcano = Island
Earth + Earth = Mountain
Island + Island = Continent
Continent + Mountain = Asia
Asia + Island = Japan
Earth + Water = Plant
Plant + Water = Swamp
Fire + Swamp = Dragon
Dragon + Water = Sea Serpent
Sea Serpent + Sea Serpent = Leviathan
Dragon + Leviathan = Tiamat
Dragon + Tiamat = Bahamut
Bahamut + Japan = Final Fantasy
Water + Earth = Plant
Plant + Wind = Dandelion
Dandelion + Water = Wine
Wine + Water = Holy Water
Holy Water + Wine = Catholic Church
Catholic Church + Fire = Inquisition
Catholic Church + Inquisition = Spain
Plant + Plant = Tree
Tree + Dandelion = Wish
Tree + Wish = Money
Money + Spain = Euro

Once you’ve made these two, you can add them together to get Final Fantasy XIV.

How to make Grand Theft Auto V in Infinite Craft

How to make Grand Theft Auto V in Infinite Craft
Screenshot by Destructoid

To get to the end result of Grand Theft Auto V in Infinite Craft, you need to make two things — Video Game and Robbery.

Video GameRobbery
Earth + Earth = Mountain
Mountain + Mountain = Mountain Range
Earth + Wind = Dust
Dust + Earth = Planet 
Fire + Planet = Sun
Fire + Sun = Solar
Planet + Solar = System
Fire + System = Computer
Dust + Wind = Sandstorm
Sandstorm + Sandstorm = Dust Storm
Dust Storm + Sand Storm = Dust Bowl
Dust + Water = Mud
Mud + Dust Bowl = Mud Bowl
Mud Bowl + Mud = Football
Computer + Football = Madden
Football + Madden = Video Game
Earth + Water = Plant
Plant + Plant = Tree
Tree + Water = River
Plant + Wind = Dandelion
Dandelion + Tree = Wish
Tree + Wish = Money
Money + River = Bank
Bank + Fire = Robbery

Once you’ve made both, combine the two together. This will get you to Grand Theft Auto, which can be added to Mountain Ridge in order to get Grand Theft Auto V.

How to make Apex Legends in Infinite Craft

How to make Apex Legends in Infinite Craft
Screenshot by Destructoid

Before you can reach Apex Legends in Infinite Craft, you first have to make a couple of other games you might have heard of — Valorant and Overwatch

Earth + Wind = Dust
Dust + Dust = Sand
Sand + Water = Beach
Earth + Water = Plant
Beach + Plant = Palm
Beach + Palm = Paradise
Dust + Earth = Planet
Fire + Planet = Sun
Fire + Sun = Solar
Planet + Solar = System
Fire + System = Computer
Computer + System = Software
Fire + Water = Steam
Fire + Steam = Engine
Engine + Plant = Car
Car + Engine = Racecar
Earth + Racecar = Rally
Fire + Rally = Riot
Riot + Software = League of Legends
League of Legends + Paradise = Valorant
Fire + Water = Steam
Fire + Steam = Engine
Engine + Plant = Car
Car + Engine = Racecar
Earth + Racecar = Rally
Fire + Rally = Riot
Riot + Software = League of Legends
Engine + League of Legends = Riot Games
Earth + Earth = Mountain
Mountain + Wind = Avalanche
Avalanche + Avalanche = Snow
Snow + Wind = Blizzard
Blizzard + Riot Games = Overwatch

Once you’ve made these two, combine them together to get Apex Legends

How to make Baldur’s Gate III in Infinite Craft

How to make Baldur's Gate III in Infinite Craft
Screenshot by Destructoid

This one is likely the most bizarre and convoluted recipe I’ve ever seen in Infinite Craft. Not only do you need to make Pokemon, but also the entire evolutionary like of Pikachu, all before stripping Thor of his hair. 

Earth + Earth = Mountain

Water + Water = Lake

Lake + Mountain = Fjord

Fjord + Water = Whale

Fire + Water = Steam

Fire + Steam = Engine

Engine + Wind = Windmill

Wind + Windmill = Electricity

Electricity + Whale = Pikachu

Pikachu + Pikachu = Pichu

Pichu + Pikachu = Raichu

Fire + Fire = Volcano

Lake + Volcano = Island

Island + Volcano = Hawaii

Lake + Lake = Ocean

Ocean + Water = Fish

Fish + Hawaii = Poke

Fish + Poke = Pokemon

Fish + Fish = Shark

Fish + Wind = Flying Fish

Flying Fish + Shark = Flying Shark

Flying Shark + Pokemon = Mega Shark

Mega Shark + Raichu = Mega Raichu

Mountain + Wind = Avalanche

Avalanche + Mega Raichu = Mega Avalanche

Fjord + Mountain = Norway

Fire + Norway = Viking

Fire + Viking = Thor

Fire + Wind = Smoke

Smoke + Smoke = Cloud

Cloud + Cloud = Rain

Earth + Water = Plant

Plant + Water = Swamp

Fire + Swamp = Dragon

Island + Island = Continent

Continent + Lake = America

America + Dragon = Bald Eagle

Bald Eagle + Rain = Bald

Bald + Thor = Baldur

Baldur + Mega Avalanche = Baldur’s Gate

Baldur’s Gate + Baldur’s Gate = Baldur’s Gate II

Once you have Baldur’s Gate and Baldur’s Gate II, it’s basic maths that you’d add them together to end up with Baldur’s Gate III.

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Image of Paula Vaynshteyn
Paula Vaynshteyn
With her first experience of gaming being on an Atari ST, Paula has been gaming for her entire life. She’s 7,000 hours deep into Final Fantasy XIV, spends more time on cozy games than she would care to admit, and is also your friendly resident Whovian. Juggling online adventuring with family life has its struggles, but she wouldn’t have it any other way.